It has been quite cool and lovely this week in the low desert. Unseasonably cool, actually. In the mid-80's. I remember last year it was in the 100's already. In fact last week it was in the 100's.
I bought some loofah seeds and am trying to figure out where to plant them. I have lots of space, just have to find someplace that's already getting some water on the system (I'm really lazy about setting up new watering lines). We have several empty spots so I figured I'd scout them out in the next couple of days.
I've been busy making some new earrings which you can see at my Etsy shop, And hunting up vintage finds in the nooks and crannies of my closets for the shop I'm sharing with my sister,
Today is my birthday. I don't feel any older and that's all I have to say on that subject.
I bought some wonderful yarn recently from a great Etsy seller,
Her yarn is to die for. Seriously. I could just roll around in it, it's so soft.
Well, have a great evening. I hope to post sooner next time.